
Welcome to Little Boho Hobo!

Your one stop blog and shop for all things travel, art, food, health, and life related along with any other nuggets or trinkets of information gathered and collected … all to be shared and learned from!

Have you ever heard or seen something that makes you wanna write a Post-It to yourself as a reminder and stick it into your back pocket for later use in life? Well, here’s my back pocket full of Post-Its in the form of my Little Boho Hobo’s website!

Somewhere along the way we all gather so many Post-Its it’s hard to see the ones that really stand out or matter. Every now and again I think it’s important to STOP… take a moment to look back through these things that were once important, see what has served you and be thankful for it, or get rid of that one and/or pass on the info to somebody who you think could use it too!

Although most lessons can only be learned by personal experience, for which we all have our own unique experiences, I believe that there is a lesson in everything and everything happens for a reason (anybody who knows me, knows I say this all the time)….and most importantly a lesson learned should be a lesson shared…..

Have you ever searched online for particular topic…. looking for at least ONE person in the entire planet who either had the answer to your question, who understood or had the same thing happen to them so you could talk about it together, come to a conclusion, create a plan, or maybe just so you could feel normal and not alone….or perhaps you’ve been inspired by something here on my blog and you would like to share your own thoughts and learnings with others here?!

Well as the Little Boho Hobo I look forward to sharing my owns thoughts and lessons with you as we wander through life together…I hope that I can pass on my Post-Its, and hope that some of you can  send some my way too!

"Everything happens for a reason!"